How AI helps to feed hungry children this evening

Neuron by Neuron
4 min readJan 19, 2023

The world population is growing at a rapid rate. In fact, the United Nations expects that by 2050, there will be 9.6 billion people living on our planet. To accommodate this growth and ensure that everyone has enough food to eat, it’s necessary for farmers to adopt new technologies and processes in their farms. One of these technologies is artificial intelligence (AI). AI has been used effectively in agriculture for a long time now because it helps farmers improve efficiency in their work by taking into account weather conditions as well as other factors such as soil quality amongst others.

The growing population of the world and hunger issues

The world population is growing and projected to reach about 10 billion by 2050. In fact, it’s estimated that the number of people on Earth has grown from about 2 billion in 1950 to over 7.5 billion today. With this rapid increase, there is a greater need for food than ever before.

According to UNICEF data published in 2018:

  • Over 800 million people worldwide are hungry; that’s one out of every nine people!
  • Hunger kills more children under five each year than malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS combined — and it’s getting worse everywhere around the world.

How AI helps to feed the growing population?

AI is not a silver bullet, but it can help make decisions better. AI uses data to make predictions about what will happen next in an automated way and can also be used for human-like reasoning. The technology has been applied to many different fields such as:

  • Identifying diseases and pests (for example, Zika virus)
  • Identifying the best seeds and fertilizers
  • Finding optimal locations for planting crops

AI has been used effectively in agriculture for a long time.

AI has been used effectively in agriculture for a long time. Farmers have been using machine learning to increase crop yields and farm efficiency, which results in higher farm profits for them. In fact, many farmers are already using machine learning to manage their farms better than ever before without even realizing it!

AI has also been used to reduce the amount of pesticides needed by increasing crop diversity and reducing weeds on farms. The result? Less chemicals being sprayed onto crops; less damage from diseases caused by insects or pests; fewer people getting sick from exposure to harmful chemicals (or at least less likely); lower costs due to reduced need for expensive machinery like tractors or sprayers etc.

AI in Agriculture: A Glimpse into the Future

As we’ve seen, AI has come a long way since its inception. In just the past few years, it has become an integral part of our daily lives — in fact, we use it for just about everything! But there’s more to AI than meets the eye: it can be used to help feed the population and reduce waste by using data from sensors and machines that monitor plant health.

The food industry is no stranger to this technology; for example, farmers are using artificial intelligence (AI) in agriculture as a way to improve their crops’ nutritional value while also reducing costs associated with production.

One specific application of AI in agriculture is precision farming, where farmers use data collected from drones and sensors to optimize planting, fertilization, and irrigation. This allows farmers to use resources more efficiently and increase crop yields. Another application is crop monitoring, where AI algorithms are used to analyze images taken by drones or satellites to detect signs of disease or pests. This allows farmers to take action quickly to prevent crop loss.

AI can also be used to improve the efficiency of animal farming. For example, AI algorithms can be used to monitor the health and behavior of livestock, which can help farmers identify and address any issues early on. This can also help farmers improve the overall productivity of their farms by ensuring that animals are well-cared for and healthy.

In addition to improving the efficiency of farming, AI can also help farmers make more informed decisions. For example, AI algorithms can be used to analyze weather patterns and predict how they will affect crop growth. This can help farmers decide when to plant and harvest their crops, and can also help them identify which crops will do well in different weather conditions.

Overall, AI in agriculture has the potential to revolutionize the way we produce food and ensure that we can feed a growing population. By using data and advanced algorithms, farmers can make more informed decisions and improve the efficiency of their farms. This can lead to higher crop yields, better-quality food, and a more sustainable food system.

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Fields populated by farming robots, generated by DALLE-2



Neuron by Neuron

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